Message from the PTFA
A huge thanks to all the parents and friends of Ysgol Bro Famau for their continued support. Through the fabulous donations and turn out, we took an amazing £924 at the fair. After expenses including a £50 donation to St Garmons church for giving us so much chocolate, toys and alcohol, our overall profit was 738.91. This is wonderful and helps towards the extra things the PTA are able to fund such as panto tickets, early years resources and many other things.
A big thank you to all the staff and parents for their help at the fair!
If anyone is interested in joining the PTA it’s very informal and lots of fun organising events. Get in touch via school, Facebook or text Anna on 07769962332 and you can be added to the WhatsApp group.
Have a wonderful Christmas holiday!
Ysgol Bro Famau PTA.